Pursuant to the powers contained in Section 33 of the Bush Fires Act 1954 you are required to carry out fire prevention work on land owned or owned and occupied by you in accordance with the provisions of this Notice, to the satisfaction of Council or its duly authorised officers. This work must be carried out by 17 November or within 14 days of becoming the owner or owner occupier, should this be after that date and kept maintained throughout the summer months until 31 May. All properties are to be fire safe by 17 November. Rangers will inspect all properties from 18 November to ensure they comply with Council’s requirements.
Occupied or unoccupied land less than 4000m2
If your property is less than 4000m2 then you are required to;
- Have the entire property clear of all flammable materials except for living standing trees
- Mow, slash, whipper snip to a height of no more than 4 cm
- Plough, cultivate, scarify or chemical spray, followed by slashing to 4cm or other approved method by the City.
- This includes the canal walls of properties situated in the various canal developments within the City of Mandurah boundaries.
Occupied or unoccupied land 4000m2 and over
When the area of land is 4000m2 and over, provide a trafficable mineral earth firebreak of 4 metres wide, with a height clearance of 4.2 metres:
- Inside all external boundaries on the property
- Surrounding all outbuildings erected on the property
- Surrounding haystacks, fuel storage or other flammable materials.
NOTE: A 4 metre firebreak may not be sufficient on properties with dense vegetation. Owners may be required to thin vegetation out to the satisfaction of the City to reduce any significant fire risk.
All properties within the City of Mandurah are inspected for fire safety.
All blocks less than 4000m2 must:
- Remove any dead wood, dry grass and flammable material on the property.
- Cut all grass down to no higher than 4cm over the entire area of the property.
- Do not remove any living, standing trees and bushes
- This includes the canal walls of properties situated in the various canal developments within the City of Mandurah boundaries.